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Thursday, September 10, 2015

Who Will Stand Up for You?

     Rowan County Kentucky is not a place used to being in the national spotlight. But that is just where they have been for the past several weeks. County Clerk Kim Davis, a devout Christian, someone who is steadfast in her beliefs, has refused to issue marriage licenses to gay couples, a direct violation, according to the recent Supreme Court ruling, of federal law. What did she get for her trouble? Five days in jail.
  There are a lot of obvious arguments to drag out here. She may have her own religious beliefs, but the law is the law, doesn’t mean you have to like it. If she does not want to fulfill this part of her job duties then she should resign. On the other side there are these, should someone be forced to go against their faith and do something that they do not believe in, in this case gay marriage? How about, whose rights are more important? Is it being suggested that one group’s rights trump the other?
  This is a pretty personal issue for this Blogger. I really have no strong feelings one way or another on gay marriage, the government really has no business in anyone’s marriage, but that is a whole other debate. And while I do not share Kim Davis’s Christian faith, I support her one hundred percent.
  Now that everyone has spit their drink through their nose, you can ask, “Why on earth would a Witch support a devout Christian woman?”
  It is really very simple. It is pretty obvious that the Obama administration, with once again, their willing media accomplice zombies, have decided that Christianity must go, and if they cannot eradicate it completely, they will make anyone’s life miserable who is a Christian. It is perfectly acceptable to discriminate against Christians in 2015 America. So the question is, if it is open season on Christians today, who is next tomorrow?
  Freedom of religion, the freedom to worship as one chooses is the reason we are here as a nation. We do not all belong to the same church, the same denomination, or even the same faith, but that is the beauty of this experiment we call America. Nations all over the world have had religious wars since the beginning of time. That has never happened in America.
  No I am not forgetting that many of my fellow sisters of Goddess worship were burned at the stake, drowned, and done away with in lots of other heinous ways at the hands of people who professed to be Christians. Yes my faith is often misunderstood and maligned by, yes, people who call themselves Christians. But more often than not, many more are just curious. They ask questions, they ask if this or that is true, and I am more than happy to answer their questions because it means I have a chance to educate someone about my faith. That is a gift we should all cherish.
  But the biggest reason I support Kim Davis? What if, in the future, I or one of my brethren is in the same boat? What if we are jailed for our faith? Who will come and stand beside me if that would happen? Christians who know what it is like to be persecuted for just living your faith I would hope. Kim Davis has made me ask the question of myself, would I be willing to go to jail for my faith? I like to think I would. 
  So Kim, you have the unlikeliest of supporters on your side. I realize having a Witch as your cheerleader may not go over well in church. That's OK. As you well know, God works in mysterious ways 


1 comment:

  1. Very wise and commendable sentiments. Wishing you all the best, and may God bless you.
